At WRA, inclusion is at the heart of our educational philosophy. We are committed to providing the best possible education for all pupils, regardless of ability, background, ethnicity, gender, or disability. Our school community is highly inclusive, and our dedicated staff work tirelessly to ensure that every child receives the right support to make excellent progress and meet the high expectations we set across all subject areas.

Our building is thoughtfully designed to be accessible to all, with features such as disabled toilets throughout, a lift for upper floor access, and designated Disabled Bays in our car park. We also employ a low arousal, sensory-friendly approach in our classrooms, including a sensory room, to ensure that every child’s needs are met in a calm and supportive environment.

We closely monitor the progress of all pupils, intervening promptly when individuals or groups are at risk of falling behind. Our highly trained staff, combined with an accessible and thoughtfully reconfigured layout of our building, ensures that we can meet the diverse needs of all our pupils.

Our SENDCO team and Learning Mentor work closely with parents and external agencies to provide additional support when needed. We strive to ensure that every child can access learning, whether through additional sensory equipment, bespoke learning plans, or specialised support. We collaborate with a wide range of external partners, including Educational Psychologists, Sensory Impaired Services, Speech and Language Therapy services, ASC/ADHD specialist teachers, and the Continence Service, to offer the best support possible for our pupils.

We also maintain strong relationships with Wirral Parent and Carers Voluntary Service, providing many opportunities for our parents to receive support as well. If you have any questions about inclusion at WRA or concerns about how we can meet your child’s needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Our SENDCO is Mr Jason Thomas who has day-to-day responsibility for the operation of SEND policy and coordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEND, including those who have EHCP plans. Mr Thomas is also responsible for our team of Learning Coaches

  • Our SEND link governor is MrsSarah Wilkinson who has responsibility for monitoring policy implementation and liaising between the SENCO and the Governing Body.

  • Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is the Headteacher,  Miss Alexandra Borrill, who has specific responsibility for safeguarding.

If you have any questions about SEND provision at Woodchurch Road please don't hesitate to contact the SENDCo at

If you would like to find out more about SEND Local Offer, more information can be located here: SENDLO Wirral. Wirral's Local Offer of SEND Services