Local Governance

Woodchurch Road Academy is part of Cheshire Academies Trust (CAT) and governance of the academy is split between those matters decided at trust board level and those matters delegated to the local committee. Further information regarding governance across Cheshire Academies Trust school can be found at: https://www.cheshireacademiestrust.co.uk/

On conversion to an academy the trust board of Cheshire Academies Trust appointed an Interim Development Board to oversee governance at school level with a view to transitioning to a full local governing body.

The Interim Development Board is constituted in accordance with the requirements of the trust board to include:

-  CEO, Cheshire Academies Trust

-  Chief Finance and Operations Officer

-  School Improvement Director

-  Teaching and Learning Lead

-  Headteacher

-  All governors who were in post at the time of conversion to an academy. 


Governance at local level plays an important role in both challenging and supporting the leadership team on key aspects of the school’s strategy, always with a strategic lens on governance and the safe but dynamic leadership of the school.

The focus of the Interim Development Board is ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school by;

    • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
    • Ensuring that other key players with a stake in the organisation get their voices heard.

The board does this this by knowing and understanding the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings to ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school.   

Please see information regarding members of the Interim Development Board including terms of office, areas of responsibility and any declarations of interest. Declarations of interest are checked at every Interim Development Board meeting, this page being updated with any changes which may arise.


Steve Ellis, CEO

Declarations of Interest: None


Luci Jones, Chief Finance and Operations Officer, Cheshire Academies Trust

Declarations of Interest: ISBL - Trustee/Vice Chair of Finance & Renumerations Committee (wef 01/12/23), Wirral School Forum member (wef 25 September 2023)


Kate Doyle, School Improvement Director, Cheshire Academies Trust

Declarations of Interest: Employed at Mill View Primary School


Alexandra Borrill,  Headteacher

Declarations of Interest: None


Emlyn Wright, Trustee, Cheshire Academies Trust

Declarations of Interest: Senior leader within education in Wigan LA’s Children’s Services. Trustee of Cheshire Academies Trust, Prestolee Multi Academy Trust and St George’s Hall Charitable Trust


Sanjeev Shewhorak, Co-opted Governor

Link governor with responsibility for Safeguarding

Declarations of Interest: None

Term of Office: 28/01/2021 - 27/01/2025


Frank Doyle, Co-opted Governor

Link governor with responsibility for Safeguarding

Declarations of Interest: None

Term of Office: 14/07/2020 - 13/07/2024


Sarah Wilkinson

Link governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Declarations of Interest: Member of school staff at West Kirby School and College since 2004

Term of Office: 03/10/2022 - 02/10/2026


Vikki Vicars, Co-opted Governor

Declarations of Interest: Teacher at a Birkenhead school since 2019

Term of Office: 03/10/2022 - 02/10/2026


Christine Williams, Staff Governor

Declarations of Interest: TBC

Term of Office: 02/12/2019 - 01/12/2023


Beth Hacking, Co-opted Governor

Declarations of Interest: Headteacher at Cherry Grove Primary School, Husband is co-opted governor at Waverton Primary School (since 2022), and Senior Digital Manager at Oak National Academy (since 2020)

Term of Office: 25/03/2024 - 24/03/2028


Jason Thomas, Staff Governor

Declarations of Interest: TBC

Term of Office: 10/06/2024 - 09/06/2028


Governors who have left in the previous 12 months:

Tamara Gilbert, Parent Governor (07/07/02/2023 - 07/03/2023)

Wendy Johnston, Co-opted Governor (08/03/2023 - 05/06/2023)

Cari Wharton, Parent Governor (21/01/2021 - 29/09/2023)

Daniel Hutton, Co-opted Governor, no declared interests (24/10/2019 - 20/11/2023)




Meeting Dates 2023/24 all meetings are at 5.30pm at Woodchurch Road Academy

Thursday 28th September 2023

Monday 16th October 2023

Wednesday 15th November 2023

Monday 15th January 2024

Monday 12th February 2024

Monday 4th March 2024

Monday 13th May 2024

Monday 10th June 2024

Monday 8th July 2024



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