Year 6 Crew

We are delighted to welcome you to the Year 6 crew and look forward to working closely with you throughout the year.

The teaching staff in Year 6 are Mrs Michelle Neal and Miss Lucinda Russell. Our learning coaches are Mr Jake Thomson and Miss Rebecca Woodhouse.

In English we build upon the quality work our children did in Year 6 with our writing program ‘Read to Write’ which enables high quality writing through outstanding texts. The books which we are focusing on are:  Rose Blanche, Anne Frank, A Story Like the Wind, Darwin: An Exceptional Voyage, The Ways of the Wolf and Shackleton’s Journey.

Reading always remains a priority and we have daily lessons which help to develop reading strategies and comprehension skills.  We also ask that all Y6 crew members read every night and record the pages they read in their reading logs.   These records are checked on a weekly basis to ensure progress is made.

In maths, we continue to teach through a mastery approach using ‘Maths No Problem'. A continued focus of Y6 is the revision of all topics in preparation for the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in May.  Upon arrival at school we also complete the daily ‘Fluent in Five’ which are speedy, daily additional maths lessons where crew members practise rapid recall of basic mental arithmetic.  Furthermore all children have access to ‘’ and ‘TT Rock Stars’ where they can improve any areas of maths in which they feel less confident.  All login details can be found in their homework books. 

A brand new curriculum called CUSP has been introduced for Science, History, Geography, Art and D.T.  Children will learn these subjects during the afternoons in weekly or fortnightly blocks to maximise impact and retention of knowledge.  We will also continue to learn French, Music, Jigsaw (PSHE) and R.E. on a weekly basis.

PE- Crew members must come to school in the agreed school PE kit. Y6 will be swimming in the Autumn 2 term for a total of five hours.  Our PE lessons will not fall on the same days.

Y6N - PE on Tuesday and Wednesday         Y6R - PE on Wednesday and Thursday

For a more detailed look at our curriculum, please look at our long-term map and weekly timetable.

Our door is always open, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or queries that you may have.

Our aim is to enable all crew members to reach their potential and to succeed and flourish in all areas.


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1 X RE      1 X Music     1 x MFL      2x PE     1 x Jigsaw    CUSP – Art, History, Geography, Science, DT, Computing on a weekly rotational basis


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